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『身體活動認知神經科學實驗室 (Physical Activity and Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory, PACNL)』 係2018年8月由張育愷博士於國立臺灣師範大學體育與運動科學系 (原體育學系) 所創立,其前身為張博士2009年8月於國立體育大學創立之『身體活動心理學暨認知神經科學實驗室』。目前張博士持續擔任實驗室主持人。

『身體活動認知神經科學實驗室』主要藉由腦電波 (Electroencephalography, EEG) 儀器量測,以及結構與功能性磁振造影 (Structure and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, sMRI and fMRI)等認知神經科學之取向,探索健身運動 (Exercise) 與競技運動 (Sport) 情境中教練、運動員,及社會大眾的行為變化、心理歷程,以及大腦內隱歷程。



身體活動認知神經科學實驗室成立宗旨係期望透過競技運動心理學 (Sport Psychology)、健身運動心理學 (Exercise Psychology) 及認知神經科學 (Cognitive Neuroscience) 等多元化領域,探究人們在健身運動 (Exercise) 與競技運動 (Sport) 情境中行為表現、心理健康,以及大腦的影響。期望研究生在透過實驗室多元化課程的安排下,能對於健身運動與競技運動情境下教練、運動員,及社會大眾的行為變化、心理歷程,以及大腦內隱歷程有所理解,進而達到在學術上與當代國際研究趨勢接軌、在實務上將知識實際應用,甚至在產學上開發衍身產品的目標。


身體活動認知神經科學實驗室的研究內容橫跨身體活動心理學 (Physical Activity Psychology) 與身體活動認知神經科學 (Physical Activity Cognitive Neuroscience) 兩大主軸,並著重於競技運動與健身運動兩個情境,而衍生有健身運動心理學 (Exercise Psychology)、競技運動心理學 (Sport Psychology)、健身運動認知神經科學 (Exercise Cognitive Neuroscience) 、競技運動認知神經科學 (Sport Cognitive Neuroscience) 等四個研究方向。


健身運動心學著重於一般社會大眾對健身運動的決定因子、參與動機及心理健康 (認知、壓力、情緒、焦慮、憂鬱、睡眠及自尊等) 的效益,當前實驗室的研究聚焦於健身運動對心理健康效益,尤重於健身運動對認知功能 (cognitive function) 與健身運動參與動機等議題。



  1. 急性健身運動對認知功能之影響

  2. 慢性健身運動對認知功能之影響

  3. 正念對於競技運動表現之影響


​如需聯繫或詢問相關合作事項,歡迎聯繫 PACNL 行政助理 葉小姐

實驗室:國立臺灣師範大學 體育與運動科學系,身體活動認知神經科學實驗室


地點:臺北市和平東路一段162號, 體育館4樓

About Us


Welcome to the Physical Activity and Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory (PACNL), founded and hosted by Dr. Yu-Kai Chang within the Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences (previously known as the Department of Physical Education) at National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan, since August 2018. Serving as the evolutionary step from the Physical Activity Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory, which Dr. Chang established in August 2009 at National Taiwan Sport University, PACNL continues this legacy of pioneering research.


Employing advanced techniques such as electroencephalography (EEG), structural, and functional magnetic resonance imaging (sMRI and fMRI), the PACNL adopts a cognitive neuroscience perspective to investigate cognitive processing in coaches, athletes, and the general population within the context of exercise and sports. These methodologies are instrumental in uncovering the cognitive processing mechanisms underlying these activities.

Mission Statement

The PACNL is dedicated to investigating the impact of exercise and sports on behavioral performance, psychological well-being, and brain functions in humans. This exploration is achieved through the integration of sport psychology, exercise psychology, and cognitive neuroscience.


Our mission is to offer unparalleled opportunities for graduate students to deepen their understanding of behavioral and psychological variations, as well as the potential neurophysiological mechanisms at play among coaches, athletes, and the general population within the realms of sports and exercise. By employing diverse methodologies, we strive to provide graduate students with the most current and comprehensive knowledge. Our goal is not only to enable them to apply this knowledge in practical scenarios but also to foster the development of relevant commercial products

Research Framework

The main research domains of the PACNL are the physical activity psychology and the physical activity cognitive neuroscience, with the following four research branches: exercise psychology, sport psychology, exercise cognitive neuroscience, and the sport cognitive neuroscience.


Exercise psychology addresses the factors regarding the exercise engaging behaviors, motivation and psychological health (e.g., cognition, stress, emotion, anxiety, depression, sleep, and self-esteem) in general populations.


Currently, we focus on the beneficial effects of exercise on psychological health, especially on the cognitive function and motivation of exercise engagement.

Current Research Issue

Currently, the PACNL uses neurocognitive approaches to examine the following three aspects.

  1.  The influence of acute exercise on cognitive function.

  2. The influence of regular exercise on cognitive function.

  3. The influence of mindfulness on sports performance.

Contact Us

Executive assistantKira

Laboratory: PACNL, Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University.

Location: Stadium 4F, 162, Section 1, Heping E. Rd., Taipei City 106, Taiwan.

行政助理: 葉家妏

Executive assistant: Kira

地點: 臺北市和平東路一段162號, 國立臺灣師範大學體育館4樓

Location: Stadium 4F, 162, Section 1, Heping E. Rd., Taipei City, Taiwan

Tel: +886-2-7749-3223

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